To find insights, simply download reports with your company's lane rate contributions and DAT broker spot market data to see any of the top 100 lane rates over the past 30 days. This option is available if you are a contributor and have a RateView package that allows you to run the reports.
To run a report, first select one or more equipment types (Vans, Flatbeds, Reefers) and then select the type of rate you want to view (Spot Rate, Contract Rate)
Once the two fields are populated, RateView will automatically display a graph depicting:
- Your total base cost without the fuel surcharge
- The DAT average base cost
- The difference between your cost and the DAT base cost
Use the information to analyze where you can improve by knowing the lanes that are costing you more than the average broker or shipper is paying.
You can also generate and download these reports to a spreadsheet to view the specific lanes. Just click the Generate Reports button and select the type of report you want to run and then click the Download button.
Report Types
Note: Reports generated in RateView are downloaded to your computer and accessible through programs that can display .CSV files (eg. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets)
Top Lanes Above DAT
This report shows the major lanes where your company’s total linehaul most exceeds the total that would be paid at the DAT average linehaul rate. These are the lanes where you are paying or being paid more than industry averages for the selected market (broker spot rate or contract rate).
Top Lanes Below DAT
This report shows the major lanes where your company’s total linehaul is most below the amount that would be paid at the DAT average linehaul rate. These are the lanes where you are paying or being paid less than industry averages for the selected market.
Top Company Share Lanes
This report shows the major lanes where your company has the highest percentage of reports in the DAT rate database. These are the lanes where your company has the most market share.
Note: Your company’s contribution to determining the rate is scaled down if you are a dominate player in any particular lane. Your rate never determines more than 50% of the DAT average rate in any lane and is almost always far less.
Top Total Linehaul Lanes
This report shows the major lanes where your company has the highest total linehaul. These are the lanes where your company is spending the most resources in the selected market.
Top DAT Total Linehaul Lanes
This report shows the top major lanes by total linehaul revenue in the DAT rate database. These are the lanes with the highest volume. This report includes lanes where your company did not submit any reports. Columns that require your company’s data will be blank for these lanes.
This report shows summary data for all major lanes where your company submitted a report. It shows the number of lanes where the linehaul rate submitted is greater than the DAT rate by more than 2%, the number of lanes where the linehaul rate is within 2% of the DAT rate, and the number of lanes where the linehaul rate is less than the DAT rate by more than 2%.
Note: If there are no lanes available in a report, “No Data” will be displayed in that cell