In this section you will see the rate history chart. This chart displays a monthly average of the selected primary rate (Broker-to-Carrier Spot or Shipper-to-Carrier Contract rate) over a 13 month period. The rate displayed initially includes fuel and is based on a market to market geography.

Note: The history does not reflect the geography seen on your slider bar. Where your slider bar may be giving you a 3-digit zip code rate, the historical chart always shows rates from a market to a market geography.

Hovering on the primary rate line on the chart shows the range for each month and the average rate each month.

Note: To see the primary rate less fuel or the comparative rate, hover over the icon and the history for that rate will appear in the graph. Clicking on any of these options will keep the rate values up on the screen and allow you to move your mouse freely while they remain in place.

If you are a Rate Contributor, the chart will also show your company’s loads on the lane and the rate for each load so you can compare your rate to the market rate. Hovering over any of the company’s loads highlights all loads from the same customer for broker or carrier companies. For shipper companies, hovering on any of the company’s loads highlights all loads handled by the same carrier or broker.

Chart Legend