In order to use the RFP tool, you will first need a request for proposal from a shipper.  You will then enter each shipment into the RFP tool to start pricing out the lanes.

  1. From, under RFP tool,   start by clicking +CREATE NEW in the upper-right corner
  2. Next add a title for your RFP and select which customer it is for.  You will then add the term start and end dates as well as the deadline date for your response.  When finished, click the CREATE RFP button.
  3. You can choose to upload a spreadsheet by choosing SELECT FILE .  If you just like to run the RFP tool with one lane, then choose SKIP UPLOAD instead
    Note:  If you choose the bulk upload option, it is recommended that you download the template in order to see what information is required and in which order it needs to be provided.
  4. Select your rate type, the factor you wish the rates to be based off of as well as whether to include fuel and what profit margin you wish to achieve and click CALCULATE
  5. Click on the RFP to view the details and pricing
  6. Pricing will now be included for each lane
    Note:  TARGET BUY is what you would expect to pay the carrier whereas TARGET SELL is the price you would charge your customer.
  7. You can now use the export feature in order to send your bid to the customer